Road trip rules

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

(image via)
This weekend two friends and I are taking a road trip to Seattle via Jasper and Kelowna. I have taken few road trips before and have no fear of driving; one of my friends does, especially on unfamiliar roads. Over time I have establish few rules that make road trips funner and easier. 

1) Travel with people you like. Driving for hours in a cramped space would be challenging to say the least if you don't get along with someone.
2) Invest in a good GPS. I am all about adventures but just so you don't end up on a one way street facing oncoming traffic, get a GPS. Physical map is a good idea too, just in case your GPS has no reception.
3) Create a good playlist. Music is important and can enhance the trip. Create a playlist of songs mixed from all genres; so when you are driving turn the music up, windows down and sing along. 
4) Pack water and lots of healthy snacks. Road trips, like any travel, are excluded from diets, so pack those chips too. And lots of candy.
5) Research and plan your trip. I created a detailed itinerary for our trip, you might not need that but research the routes, things to do and places to stop along the way.
6) Learn how to change a flat tire. Sadly AMA will not come and help you when you are 6 hours away from the nearest town.
7) Check the oil and fluids before you leave. Safety first.
8) Be open minded. Everyone travels different and unexpected things happen on road trips, so be prepared to improvise and make most of it. No good story every started with just getting from point A to point B. 
9) Split the costs of the trip: gas, hotel, food. This makes for a cheaper trip for everyone and makes it fair.
10) Get there safely and have a blast.

What are your road trip rules? Where is the best place you took a road trip to?