The Mindy Project- Very funny in an overly dramatic, I can't believe this could ever happen kind of way. I love her, she's so extreme that you can't help but fall in love with her.
Suits- This is by far my most favourite show. Two words: Harvey Spector! He is the ultimate hate that I love you man. He and Donna are the two reasons I watch. I know many of you might disagree; but that woman is my idol and not just because of her wardrobe, which is spectacular.
Pretty Little Liars- I got hooked a long time ago and now the need to find out who "A" is drives me on. I love a good mystery and while all of the twists drive me nuts, I still can't help but continue watching to see if I am even a little bit close to being right.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine- I was not very into this show at first, but as you go from episode to episode it gets funnier and funnier. I loved Andy Samberg in Saturday Night Live which is what drew me to this show in the first place. I have to say, I am really looking forward to getting a notification on my phone that a new episodes have been added to Netflix.
Now moving on to the shows I am currently watching:
Orange is The New Black - My sister first introduced me to this show, unbeknownst to me I was actually watching season 2. I like it so much that I back-tracked and watched from the beginning. I am having a hard time getting through season 3. I just find the episodes long and drawn out and the most interesting parts happen in the first and last 5 minutes of each episode. I doubt I am going to finish this season.
Sense 8- I hadn't really heard anything about this show, it just kept popping up when I would finish another series, so I decided to give it a shot. The first half of episode one I was thinking "what the hell is this?" and by the second half, I was hooked. It is an interesting premise and like nothing else I have seen. I would highly reccomend it if you like shows that are outside of the box. I just started watching this a couple days ago and I am already through season 1.
Homeland - This is another show that I started watching but not continuously I go back to it every now and then. It's interesting but it's just very intense and once I stop watching it I find it hard to get back into.
The line up for shows that I have that I am going to watch are:
Witches of East End - This show has episodes that were added recently. I love the idea of witchcraft and magic. Plus the men in it are yummy which is always a bonus.
Wet Hot American Summer First Day of Camp: First Day of Camp (2015) - I think it is safe to say that literally every actor is in this show! And I mean everyone. From Elizabeth Banks to Michael Cera to Bradley Copper to John Ham. Now if that isn't enough of a draw, I don't know what is. I did read a few of the reviews and a lot of them mention watching the movie first so that is on my list as well.
Wet Hot American Summer (2001) - Thankfully this is on Netflix so I am going to be watching this before I being the TV show.
What do you guys think do you agree with my picks? What are you guys watching?