Finding Dori-Okay so I love animated movies! They are just so cute and they actually have a lot of grown up humour in them. I loved Finding Nemo it was soooooo funny and not to mention Ellen Degeneres as Dori was amazing "Just keep swimming!". She is one funny lady! WhenI heard they were releasing another movie I was over the moon. I watched the trailer and while it didn't seem very funny I'm hoping in the coming while they will release more trailers. From what I could gather the movie is about Dori finding her family, and she still suffers from memory loss which makes for funny mishaps and misadventures. Even though I found the trailer kind of meh, I am still looking forward to it's release in 2016.
The 33- I remembered hearing about this on the news, the 33 men trapped in a mine in Chile for 69 days. We only really got to know what happened from the news cycle that played, we heard facts and what they were trying to do to save them. We never really got to know their story or their families stories. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. I love movies based on true events and this one really seems to have captured what was going on during that crisis.

Burnt-As you all know I love Bradley Cooper he is perfection! So when I saw the trailer for this movie I was really surprised. I know he is an amazing actor who is multidimentional but even this blew me away. He is a troubled cook and he is so intense and mesmerizing I did not want that trailer to end. I cannot wait to see this movie!
Sisters- Laughter is the best medicine they say, so what better way to laugh till your stomach hurts than to watch these two comedic geniuses in a movie together. They play two sisters whose family home is being sold and so they decide to throw a party. Two grown ass women throwing a party is funny but put Tina Fey and Amy Pohler together and you get sheer madness.
Spectre- I love spy movies, I have ever since I was a kid and my dad introduced me to them. He introduced me to 007 when I was 8 years old. I have watched all the 007 movies from "Man With The Golden Gun" to " Dr. No" to more recent ones like "Die Another Day" I have watched many men play 007 and I have to say Daniel Craig is one of my favourites. While I love the classics I enjoy the newer films as well. In Spectre you have new bond girls and I am so happy that they have Monica Bellucci. She is absolutely gorgeous in my opinion and the Austin Martin doesn't hurt either.
What are your movie picks? Will you be watching any of these?