I picked this book up and couldn't put it back down until it was done! My eyes were burning and I was immediately in love with Sophia. Not because she is this incredibly successful fashion icon or that she wrote a motivational memoir/self help type book - but because this chick is bad ass, hilarious, and relatable.

Although I still wouldn't really call #GIRLBOSS a self help book, it's inspiring and her ambition is contagious. Amoruso's natural strength and confidence serves as a reminder that you can and should be strong and confident too - just based on the fact that you are a woman and ARE powerful. She reinforces you to follow your instincts and dreams - societies restrictions and obstacles be damned.
Of course she throws in things that contributed to her success: some luck, natural talent for fashion, strong desire to do what made her happy (which included not working for "the man"), and others; all things that apply to our everyday lives and careers without being preachy in any sense of the word. It's easy to read, understand, and LOVE. Read it, read it right now!
Have you read it? Do you love it too? Any recommendations for us based on this title?