I'm seriously one of the laziest, busy people you will ever meet. Running from one thing to the other, trying to jam some food in my pie-hole, and some sleep when I have a minute. Meanwhile there's 15 loose cards and 3 empty packs of gum in my messy purse, my socks don't match, and my hair is probably in a pony tail. Yet I still try to be healthy with what I'm stuffing in my face even though I hate planning meals (or cooking them). So here's my go-to healthy snacks! No fuss, no muss.

Apples and cheese! So freakin tasty! Good for any time of the day snack!

Hummus and pretzel chips! I could eat this every day. You can get a big container of hummus or little individual ones if that works too. YUM!

Granola bars. There is so much variety that you would be hard pressed to find a winner.

Cheap and quick. Veggies. So many options.
What's your go-to healthy snack?