Hello Summer! Longer days means doing more things! Like reading books. I'm currently on a wait list at the library for 5 books. Straight madness. And it just doesn't seem to be enough. It's all that's been on my mind lately, I love it. Here's my list of Summer reads:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Normally I'm not huge fan of the classics. There are a few I hold dear to my heart and then the ones I wanted to throw into the ocean. Take Heathcliff with you JAWS! But I loves me some Jane (Austin and Eyre).

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Yet another book turned movie. Let's read the book first. Mind you, the only reason I picked this book up was because the preview got me right in the feels. You know this sucker is going to get you in the heart strings. Read it then run off and watch the movie.

The Voodoo Killings By Kristi Charish
Title: excellent. Content: Veronica Mars meets Walking Dead. Canadian Female author: Perfect. Seriously cannot wait to get my hands on this book!

Curse of the Tenth Grave by Darynda Jones
You might be sick of me talking about these books but quite frankly I just don't care. When I can screen shot the page from the book to email a paragraph that has me laughing hysterically, send it to my bestie and she calls me laughing too - there will be high praise for days! Humour, badass bitch, some ghosts, and a sexy devil. What more could you want?
What are you all reading? What should I add to my goodreads shelf?