2018 Resolution!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Do you guys make new year resolutions? I do, and over the last three years I went the extra step and wrote them down (on here so you guys can all judge me, or support me). I find writing them down and sharing them on the blog holds me more accountable than just saying it or writing it down somewhere I can ignore them... like my diary which is why I think I never got to many of the things I wanted to. Wrote them down and hid them. Last year I made three resolutions and did two very well and one I failed at half way through out the year.  Amy and I beat our Spartan time by almost 25 minutes, and I was injured. I read 24 books, which was 9 more than pervious year. I didn't buy anything new until end of May - a blogger shop night messed it all up, however I did well for first 5 months.
So here are 2018 new year resolutions I pledge to keep:
De-clutter.  I love cleaning and throwing things out (just ask my Mother), but I have an overflowing closet full of clothes, two walk in closets at my parents place as there is no physical space in my apartment to keep it all, a garage wall full of shoes, drawers full of shoes at work, endless amount of make up I don't wear, boxes full of books I read and the list goes on. There is no need any one person should own so many damn things and with all that clothes and shoes wear 12 black/pink things on repeat. De-cluttering also means that just because I got rid of something, I am not just running out and buying more things I don't need as this seems to be a vicious cycle I am in now. Throw one thing out, buy one thing.  2018 will be a year to de-clutter and keep the basics, and things I actually use and need. 
Run a Spartan trifecta. I could totally be a queen of lazy town and gym is my enemy so this is a huge commitment. Running one Spartan is hard, let alone 3, and one of them being a beast where 20 + kilometers and 30+ obstacles are between you and the finish line. I purchase a year long pass that gives me access to all 3 races, now the challenge, acutely train and complete these bad boys. I'll keep you updated on the training part - is there a chance you can die from running? cuz I might have that.
REENN. Get REENN Clothing Co. off the ground. For as long as I can remember I wanted to make clothes, but not just for making clothes or becoming a designer. I want to be able to create things that can make a little difference.
What are you hoping to achieve this year?


  1. There is a lot I would like to accomplish, but the main thing is buying our first house. That's the goal for this year. :)

    1. I agree, every year there seem to be so much I want to do too, but one things at a time. New home, that is so exciting!!! Good luck!
