Perfect DIY Gift - Driftwood Succulents

Friday, November 9, 2018

I have said this before and I will say it again, hand made gifts are the best gifts. These drift wood succulents are perfect - they can be used as centre pieces, to add color or whimsy (yes, whimsy) to any space. My friend Steph is one of the most talented DIY-ers I know, she just has a knack for these things, she made these beautiful pieces - and all for $20 or less.
How to make them: Find some driftwood you like; focus on ones that are a good size and  that have enough grooves in them to hold a little bit of soil.  Buy the succulents from the greenhouse and put them in the soil. Its super easy. 
Water them once a week.
If you cannot find driftwood, you can usually purchase it for $5 or less. Check kijiji or your local buy and sell. 

Aren't these gorgeous? What do you guys think?