30 Day Wellness Challenge

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ever since giving birth I have been saying I am gonna get back and focus on my health, but postpartum is HARD. Took me ten months to feel sort of like myself again. While I did managed to go back to my pre pregnancy weight almost immediately after giving birth my weight is in weight places and makes me feel uncomfortable.

My goal has always been to feel good about myself and be comfortable in clothing not so much about being skinny or losing crazy amounts of weight. So I started a 30 day challenge for myself to focus on being more healthy from inside. These are simple things, I can incorporate in my everyday.

Starting weight: 90.8KG

In 30 days I m gonna focus on 5 things:
drink 3L of water
get 10,000 steps in
getting two movements in a week (yoga or gym or something)

My baby is very active so I had to be mindful of things I can actually accomplish and set myself up for success. This 30 days are more of a health from within kind of focus - things that will help me be healthier not necessarily skinnier. 

So follow along here and on instagram.